The finance, banking or insurance sectors are in an unstoppable digital revolution with connected customers and demand for omnichannel services. Both corporate and private clients demand personalization, treatment and appropriate communication at the right time and operational efficiency of the service.

A CCM system such as iberDok facilitates the achievement of these demands from numerous functionalities and fields of application. We list a few below:

  • Commercial information with personalized products and prices: consumer loans, new pension plans, change ATM fees…
  • Simulation of loans, home/health insurance mailings, cards, etc.
  • Generation of a form with the conditions of the product for client signature
  • Risk Files
  • Suitability / suitability test. MiFID regulations
  • Operations carried out and supporting documents
  • Regulatory and legal information
  • Portfolio tracking
  • Extracts
iberDok adapts its flexible structure to respond to the needs of the sectors with the greatest demand for digital transformation. Secure and personalized documents in areas where privacy is key.

Some of the experiences in the sector include implementations in critical areas of productivity in the field of document generation and communications, for example in investment departments

The needs in these areas are summarized in the following points:

  • Search for a solution for the automatic generation of documents, which could be used in a homogeneous way in all the applications of the credit risk management department that were being developed.
  • Requirement of ease of use and agility in the development and maintenance of their base templates.
  • Possibility of integration with different technologies and data sources
  • Dynamism and versatility when designing templates and representing variable data with different styles; Graphs, tables, QR, etc…
  • Possibility of template maintenance by end users.
  • Closeness and flexibility. Ability to adapt to the specific needs of the Bank

The implementation of the solution produces a series of important qualitative benefits:

  • Unified system when generating reports and documents.
  • Low economic impact of developing and maintaining document templates
  • Standardization and homogenization of documents.
  • Efficiency in generating reports. Reduction of time and costs.
  • Elimination of human error.


There are many other possibilities for deploying iberDok in the digital transformation plans of the financial or insurance sector, such as smart forms or the guided generation of documentation. Contact our team to find out more details and request a personalized demo.