Customer Communication Management (CCM) technology is designed to help organizations create, distribute, and manage multi-channel communications for greater customer satisfaction, improved operational efficiency, and reduced costs. But what is the return on investment of Customer Communications Management?

  • What improved efficiencies can your organization achieve? Take a look at the following infographics:
  • Understanding the ROI of Customer Communications Management
  • When evaluating the return on investment of Customer Communication Management, consider these advantages:

Increased staff productivity through time savings: Helps companies reduce the time spent on correspondence efforts and consolidate the processes associated with these efforts.
Reduced costs associated with customer communications: Results in reduced shipping costs, as well as costs associated with customer service, such as rapid access to data.
Improved service and customer experience: Provides a better customer experience, as well as effective cross-selling and up-selling opportunities and better customer analytics.
Improved regulatory compliance: Reduces time spent on regulatory compliance requests
Reduced ongoing IT costs and administrative efforts: Provides business users with self-service capabilities, enabling them to resolve issues without IT.

Adopting a customer communication management (CCM) solution provides numerous benefits to organizations, ranging from increased efficiency to the creation of new revenue streams.

Two major concerns for all businesses are time and money. Lost time results in lost money. Add to that careless or unprofessional customer communication, and it is not hard to imagine that this type of company has created a terrible customer experience. That leads to fewer customers, which leads to less money… and the circle of failure is completed. It doesn’t have to be that way.

With the right methodology and technology, that vicious circle stops. At iberDok we pride ourselves in being able to provide you with the right software and professional team for a successful deployment of our CCM solution